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We are proud to be rated 5 stars by QS TopUniversities Ranking, reflecting our commitment to student success and satisfaction. An impressive 91% of our graduates secure employment within six months of graduation, and 87% of our students express high satisfaction with our services and study programs. With 88% of our students graduating on time, our system is designed to support timely and effective education. Additionally, we are proud that 89% of our student body is made up of international students, enriching our campus with diverse perspectives and experiences.

Waterfall with town

Rated 5 stars in Education by
QS TopUniversities

This rating is recognized by over 130 countries worldwide, and fewer than 2% of universities globally have achieved a 5-star rating. This distinction places us among the top 2% of universities in the world. We are proud to have received a 5-star rating from QS, affirming our status as one of the leading academies globally.

QS Rating of TopUniversities
We are rated Excellent (5 stars)

QS 5 Stars.png

This rating is valid until the end of 2029

The QS Rating is widely regarded as one of the most reliable and respected global educational ranking systems. Renowned for its rigorous methodology and comprehensive assessment criteria, the QS rankings provide invaluable insights into the quality and reputation of institutions worldwide. 

That means 5 stars:

  • "91% of our graduates secure employment within six months of graduation, demonstrating the effectiveness and relevance of our programs."

  • "86.7% of our students express high satisfaction with the study programs we offer, reflecting our commitment to providing quality education."

  • "88.6% of our students complete their study program on schedule, as planned by our academic team."

  • "89.7% of our students are international Students."

  • etc...

Graduate Employment Rate


Completion Rate


International Students


​Student Satisfaction


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