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باستخدام موقعنا، فإنك تقبل سياستنا بالكامل. إذا كنت لا توافق على أي جزء من سياستنا، فلا تستخدم موقعنا. نحن نحتفظ بالحق في تعديل هذه الشروط في أي وقت. ولذلك يجب عليك التحقق بشكل دوري من التغييرات. باستخدام هذا الموقع بعد نشر أي تغييرات، فإنك توافق على قبول هذه التغييرات، سواء قمت بمراجعتها أم لا.

"الجامعة السويسرية الدولية" هي مؤسسة للتعليم العالي مسجلة من قبل وزارة العدل في قيرغيزستان

رقم التسجيل 304742-3310-OOO

تُعد الجامعة السويسرية الدولية (SIU) مؤسسة تعليمية معترف بها عالميًا، تهدف إلى تقديم تعليم عالي الجودة مستوحى من المعايير الأكاديمية السويسرية المرموقة. بينما يقع المقر الرئيسي والتسجيل الأساسي في قيرغيزستان، نفخر بتشغيل فروع أكاديمية في زيورخ ولوزيرن، سويسرا، لنقدم تعليمًا عالي الجودة يتماشى مع القيم السويسرية للطلاب في أوروبا وخارجها.

Our Legal Structure and Operations

  1. Main Registration: Kyrgyzstan

    • SIU is officially licensed and registered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan, under registration number 304742-3310-OOO.

    • This registration provides a strong legal foundation for our programs and ensures that our degrees and diplomas are recognized within Kyrgyzstan and internationally, depending on specific regulations and agreements.

  2. Swiss Branches: Zurich and Luzern

    • Our branches in Switzerland are allowed by the relevant Swiss educational authorities to operate and provide academic support services.

    • These branches focus on facilitating distance education, academic consultations, and student support for international learners, in line with Swiss educational values.

Why "Swiss International University"?

The name "Swiss International University" reflects our commitment to excellence in education, inspired by Switzerland’s global reputation for innovation, precision, and quality. Our Swiss branches enable us to integrate these values into our operations while maintaining global accessibility.

What Makes SIU Unique?

  1. Global Reach, Swiss Values:

    • With branches in seven cities worldwide, including Zurich and Luzern, SIU combines international accessibility with the Swiss tradition of academic excellence.

  2. Diverse Academic Offerings:

    • Programs are offered in multiple languages, including English, German, Russian, and Arabic, ensuring inclusivity for students from various regions.

  3. Distance Education Expertise:

    • Since 2013, SIU has been a pioneer in distance learning, being one of the first 10 institutions globally to receive certification for online education.

  4. Accessible Education:

    • Our Kyrgyz registration enables us to offer world-class education at competitive tuition rates, making quality education more accessible to students worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why is SIU registered in Kyrgyzstan?
SIU is headquartered in Kyrgyzstan due to its favorable regulatory environment for international education. This registration allows us to offer globally relevant degrees while keeping education affordable.

2. Are the Swiss branches accredited by Swiss authorities?
The Zurich and Luzern branches are allowed by the relevant local Swiss authorities to operate as academic hubs, providing distance education support and services.

3. Are SIU’s degrees recognized internationally?
Our degrees are fully recognized within Kyrgyzstan and by international accreditation bodies. Recognition in other countries depends on local regulations and agreements.

4. How does SIU maintain Swiss-quality education?
Our Swiss branches and partnerships ensure that our programs align with Switzerland’s tradition of educational excellence. We also invest in faculty training, innovative technologies, and international accreditations.

Legal Disclaimer

Degrees issued by Swiss International University are primarily recognized in Kyrgyzstan, with potential international recognition depending on specific local regulations. The Swiss branches focus on facilitating academic operations and supporting students pursuing global careers.

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